Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The child will be the death of me!!!

So, fall is here and we love to enjoy "most" aspects of it as a family. On Friday evening we decided while it was still a little bit light out to put together a big leaf pile and let Jacob jump in it. All was going nicely until Jacob took his first official jump of fall and with a beautiful belly flop, came up crying. Ok, so sometimes this happens and its just he scared himself or bumped himself but something in his cry was different this time.....mom's just know.

He came out and his left arm was very limp and he couldn't even pick it up, panic, yes panic set in. But I did stay nice and calm and we took him inside and the child that never stops moving unless he is asleep, just wanted to lie around. We made him move his arm this way and that and it wasn't going over very well at all. After calling the Dr. and them having us hyper extend his arm, and the yelps that followed....off to the ER.

So thankfully it wasn't too packed on a Friday night in the ER.....got right in and then he was flexing his arm like nothing was wrong, although he did say it did "hurt still".....so off to the xray. Fun times wearing the lead coat trying to hold his on his lap....fun times! Long story short the Dr. suspected that he had sprained his elbow and something like nursemaids elbow may have occurred (basically bone pops out, then pops in) and he would be fine....so out we walked with Jacob and his little sling and who knows what kind of hospital bill to follow....sigh....that boy will kill me yet!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok, so I know I will have to post pictures of Jacob and his super cool Triceratops costume....but I still have to download the pics so I thought I would post something else instead.....

Is anyone happy the election is over? I for one am, regardless of the outcome but for the fact I am tired of the ads and all the attacks and the she said, he said BS....its over and I voted. The thought of how much money they spent on ads, etc could have helped our economy makes me crazy. But whatever!

Who you might ask did I vote for, yes, I did vote for John McCain. And I have to say I wish the man that we saw that gave the concession speech on Tuesday night would have been the man we saw all through the election. I know people can get misguided and such but whoever was his campaign manager should be stoned. The man I saw on Tuesday night was the man I remember during the 2000 election and admired. Would the outcome been different had he stayed true to who he was, who knows, but I think it may have. Am I upset that Obama won? No, there is nothing I can do about it, I voted and did my peace but he got the most votes, simple as that. What I do know, is that no matter who got elected, they would have a very tough road to travel. Would I want that job? Absolutely not! So, now as we have survived 48 more hours without an election ad or pollsters calling I can for one say I am really looking forward to being able to watch TV without some "spin" being thrown into my face, well, for another 4 years....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Help American Farms

I usually don't ask much of my friends but this is a super quick way that you can help the American Farms with Campbells and the FFA. Here is their mission and a link (pass it on!)

We all rely on farms and farmers to nourish our families. Now it's our turn to give back to them.
As part of our corporate mission to nourish people's lives everywhere, every day, Campbell Soup Company is committed to supporting the farmers that have provided the wholesome ingredients for Campbell's® condensed soups for more than 110 years. Through a partnership with the National FFA Organization, which is dedicated to developing our next generation of leaders through agricultural education, Campbell has committed a quarter of a million dollars to help support the future of American farming.
Join us as we help good things grow:Our Food. Our Farms. Our Future.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


So sometimes as a stay at home mom you question a lot of why you chose that route and the sacrifices you may have made in the "real world" to do as such. Although at times I miss working a full time job I can honestly say I wouldn't change the way my life has worked out at all.

The other night, say 2am-ish, I kept hearing Jacob cough. I am a light sleeper to begin with, even with my sleepy pills, but I was in and out of a doze since he has a little cold. He tiptoed into our room and started rubbing my back and then asked so very nicely "Mommy, I didn't want to wake you but my cough is keeping me up....can you get me some water please?". When asked like that by a 4 year old how could I not!

After getting him some water, and also some cough medicine (I try not to give him too much but it was bothering him obviously) I tucked him back in and he said ..."wait Mommy....one more hug" then he said the 5 words that meant the most "thank you, I love you". That in itself meant the most to me and validated why I am doing what I do.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sad day

Most of you don't know this person but a very dear person to my heart whom I have known for the better part of almost 20 years has had a very hard and trying last few months. She and her husband were pregnant and found out fairly early on that the baby would not be born alive due to genetic abnormalities. They had decided to go full term and donate any viable organs to another child in need. Later on in the pregnancy they found out that wasn't even an option. Well Monday night she had her baby. And I am not sure of the details, how long he was with them or even the delivery method but the funeral for the family is Thursday.

I can't imagine going through what they are dealing with. We had a LOT of issues with our pregnancy with Jacob and there were points where they told us he would not be viable either. But his circumstance turned out different and he is healthy and fine today. I know deep down in my heart that is one of the biggest reasons why we haven't tried for a 2nd yet either. That emotional roller coaster we dealt with then has really had a profound effect on me and I didn't realize that until I heard about my friend. I guess I buried it down and didn't really deal with it all and now its on the surface scaring the crap out of me again since we have been "talking" about another kid in the near future. But I know if my friend can come out the other end of this ok, then I can to. Please keep her and her family in your prayers please!

Friday, September 26, 2008

...and before I forget....blog layout?

So if anyone can "demonstrate" or lead in in the right direction on where to find a place to get a "cool" background.....please help! I get bored easy and this background is about to tax my last nerve!

My Child is back!!!

Ok, so he really never went anywhere but the moodiness has 100% passed and what a relief that was! He continues to amaze me on his ability to cope with things and express his feelings. Maybe we all should learn something about that!

And BTW....I wish my hair could be that blonde, naturally. Oh wait, it was, until I had him!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Organic and the tangled web they weave

So some of you know I do have a pretty strong farm background and I don't care what you buy as long as you are educated. As you know I have a huge issue with half truths in the media and used by companies to get you to buy your product. That is why I am not a big fan of buying organic unless you are growing it yourself....simply put. Read the following and you will understand why I have felt this way for years.....

New Paper Questions Organic Superiority
Posted: September 23, 2008 at 4:21 pmBy News Editor
Joseph D. Rosen, Ph.D., emeritus professor of Food Toxicology at Rutgers University and a scientific advisor to the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) has released a new paper that he claims has debunked attempts by organic agriculture to prove that organically grown crops are nutritionally superior to conventional ones. His research can be found here.Dr. Rosen analyzed a pro-organic report by Charles Benbrook and colleagues at the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Center and found the data had been selectively chosen and presented to “prove” the desired point. Dr. Rosen’s report, Claims of Organic Food’s Nutritional Superiority: A Critical Review, was published today by ACSH.
In the original pro-organic paper, Benbrook and colleagues had stated that organic produce is 25% “more nutritious” than that produced by conventional agricultural practices. But when Dr. Rosen actually recalculated some of their data, correcting several inaccuracies, he concluded that the conventional products were actually 2% more nutritious than the organic varieties:
The Benbrook paper had claimed that organically grown vegetables had much more quercetrin (a precursor of the antioxidant quercetin) than conventional varieties. But the organic vegetables studied had been sprayed with an organic pesticide that greatly increases plants’ production of quercetrin — so of course they beat the conventional plants on that measure.
Dr. Rosen also points out that the organic proponents included data of dubious validity in their review. They used data from articles that were not peer-reviewed, and in one case included nutrient content from an analysis of whole kiwi fruits — both the inedible skin and the edible pulp, though this is not what the consumer would eat.
Dr. Rosen’s analysis demonstrates how organic proponents have, once again, used misleading and inappropriately-evaluated data to support their agenda. More details on Rosen’s own methods and conclusions may be found here.

My son, the music critic

Ok, so I let Jacob listen to everything I do, which is a huge variety of music.

His new favorite is "Jesus Walking" by Kanye West......I know, maybe not the best choice but interesting. He is a beat man...its all about the music not the lyrics (thankfully!). I guess it runs in our blood. I still remember my favorite song probably in kindergarten was "Centerfold" by the JGiles Band. Um, ya, I was 6....I had no idea what a centerfold was at that time, just liked the music! Trust me, if he doesn't like the song...he voices his opionion and so far we agree on everything. Does that reflect poorly on me.....a 33 year old and 4 year old have the same taste in music? At least its not the Wiggles or gag, Barney!

Friday, September 19, 2008

...and on to more postive things...

....so the Little Man is doing quite well and amazes me every day with his maturity. Mark and both question where he received that from. I've never met a 4 year old that could put a 36 year old man in his place and teach him a lesson. It has been great. Although I could really deal better with less attitude but I keep telling myself its a phase.

We went to Harrisburg this week to see the All-American (it's a cow show for the non farm friends). Saw a lot of friends and Jacob got to hang out with Charlene (my brother's girlfriend) and walk a cow. He was on poop duty but never got to put it to practice which I am sure was a relief for him. Soccer didn't go so well last week, let's just say he didn't like the other team taking his ball. We will see how it goes this weekend....keep your fingers crossed. Pre-School is going well and the teachers said he is quite a perfectionist (staying in the lines, wanting to finish his work before moving on, everything has a place, etc).....again, Mark and I question if he was born from alien genetics. Oh well, that is just what makes him him I guess. One day I will figure out how to post pictures, or get time to....that would be the bigger factor!

Politics.....a rant

.....so am I the only one tired of seeing all the commercial's on TV regarding the election. I guess I don't believe anything that is on any of them...its just one slam against another. If they spent half of their money (as in both candidates) that they are spending on TV ads and did something to stimulate the economy instead of slamming the other, maybe we would be better off. I guess I am really tired of them telling what the other isn't or is doing and how its hurting us....I want facts on what they are going to do. Maybe then I would trust the whole politcal scheme. And what is with all the Palin bashing?! I am not saying I am for or against her but I haven't even heard a wisper about Biden.....why is that? It's all just annoying and I would like to believe that they are not targeting her because she is female but I know the media is biased to begin with but lets get some truths out there about both candidates!

I wouldn't say I am either conservative or democrat but lean more conservative but consider myself moderate. I have just found myself not wanting to put either an Obama or McCain sign in my yard....because neither one makes me really excited. Both scare me one way or another and well, since they are politicians, I really trust nothing they say. Show me what you have done with what you have handed to you and I will give you a grade then. I guess I need to see the debates to really make my mind up (although I think it is already) but that might be like pulling my nails out to sit and watch it. I guess it boils down to the fact that even though I will vote, and I do live in a "swing" state, it won't really matter....sigh....

Monday, September 8, 2008


I usually don't post about mindless TV.....but due to my allergies taking a real hit on me late last night I ended up watching the MTV VMA's. And I have to say I remember it being a big production when I was younger, key word younger, since I discovered last night it is 25 years old now. Sheesh. But this year seemed like it was one step away from a side show at a circus. No real big productions and it seemed more like a bad high school prom. None of the performers were all that memorable, some I didn't even know. Yes, I am getting old! I digress.....I might as well start wearing the mom jeans, drive a soccer mom car and get disgusted with new music......ok, well never, but eh, getting old sucks.

On the flip side of my little rant, Jacob is doing quite well. I guess quite well since he has only had 2 tantrums over the last week. What gives? I guess maybe the change of going to pre-school, napping later, who knows. But loosing his dinosaurs for a week might fix it. I had a fun weekend at the Gettysburg Wine Festival....fun, being used very loosely. If anyone has heard of that thing called a hurricane going through the east coast, yes I was there with the downpours, in grass that turned into a lake, standing on palates, slugging wine out and by the way holding on to our tent in hopes that it didn't blow away. Yesterday was better, and a bit busier, but my ass is beat! This weekend brings judging at the PA State 4-H show and then hopefully getting off on Sunday to see the family. I have either been gone or working every weekend since July...I need a reprieve!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

moving away...

...ok, so for the record, we are not moving (again!). But a very good friend of mine who has a daughter the same age as Jacob is.....now I know what it feels like! I guess I took for granted for all the times I have moved in my life, well over 15 times, I never really thought what it was like for the people I left behind. I guess now I am getting a taste of my own medicine!

I am really going to miss McKinsey and Olivia when they leave for Michigan in 2 weeks. We have been here over 2 years so we are bit limited in who we know, but McKinsey and I really clicked. She is dry and sarcastic and in general a lot of fun to be around. Sigh....I guess that will all change but I know they are moving for all the right reasons so I won't put a magic hex on them or anything (plus I am out of magic spells at the moment).

So, for everyone that I have ever moved away from.....I am sorry....I get it how much it really sucks now! I was able to go somewhere new and start over (which sucks by the way) and you were stuck in well, wherever it was I left you (Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgina, California and all the towns in between)! But considering Jacob is only 4 and has moved 3 times in his life I guess we have another gypsy on our hands!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Childless and the Olympics....not the Young and the Restless

So I just returned from a whirlwind trip to deliver Jacob to CA for his week with is Grandparents. I have to say that at 33, jet lag is not my friend. We left Friday afternoon and caught a flight in Harrisburg and didn't get to the in-laws house until 1am....west coast time. That means I was up at this point for 22 hours straight. Jacob slept for the better part of the journey so he was well rested and up the next morning as soon as the sun came up.

Saturday we visited old friends and then a nap eluded me. Sunday I was having an Arbonne Party for my Mother-in-law, which went quite well I might add.....but then some of the family stuck around so again, no nap to catch up. Monday I took Jacob to our old hairdresser that he used to go to, to of course get the mop chopped and catch up. Then off on a plane at 6pm from Chico to a 4 hour layover in San Fran, leaving at 11pm west coast time (2am east coast) and arriving into Chicago for another 2 hour layover arriving late morning to Harrisburg. I am still recovering! It's kind of like being hung over after your turn 30....you can do it, but it kicks your ass for a few days extra. I have no idea how I used to do the red eyes after visiting Mark when we were dating and working the next morning....blah!

So, Mark and I are childless for the week.....the most exciting thing we have done has created our own version of Wii Wars, mainly tennis....yes, we are sad but we laugh the majority of the time. I have to work at the winery this weekend, so thankfully he will be making dinner. But hopefully before then, I can get some sleep.....here is where the Olympics comes in.

The last time I was watching the summer Olympics, was when Jacob was 2 months old. It really has put it in perspective how much time has flown. Plus the damn Olympics are keeping me up at night and the Internet is absolutely no help. If I knew the damn results I could fall asleep on time! Ok, so that is a random rant, but can't China release the news faster! I know they have control issues (scary place), but can't they give this poor american a break?!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Cover Boy...

....so awhile back I had sent a picture in of Jacob into an association we belong to (Holstein Association USA) when they were having a picture contest. Well a week ago I received an email asking to use one of Jacob's pictures for promotional material. I of course said "yes", and yes I will post the picture later. But it turns out that they are going to use a picture of Jacob for the cover of their 2009 Holstein Foundation Calender.....ok, so you won't see his face but its a pic of the back of his head.....but its a cute head!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sick twist of fate

So.....it has been a long 2 weeks with lots to report. It starts off Jacob and I heading to my parents on the 26th of June so I could drop him off for his week long visit and my departure to TX to visit a very good friend and her new baby. That evening we received a call that a very good friend of the family was hit by a car while walking her dog on a back road with her sister. Absolute shock sent in. We had heard it was a 17 year old boy and she was life flighted to a hospital...still shock. We knew she was alive and was thrown approx. 20 feet into a bush. The bush broke her fall and probably saved her life. In the process her dog as hit as well....that dog was her life. As the events folded out, the 17 year old flipped the car after he hit her after loosing control. The next person on the scene was a local doctor, godsend. He stayed with her the whole way. The following person was on his way to the local vet, godsend. He took her dog to the vet, hopefully to save its life. This friend is a dear person and would never do anything to anyone, as is her family. I was so bitter towards the teenager who hit her. Not much sleep happened that night.

The next day we were due to go to a Family Day at a local amusement park where upon talking with another friend I found out who the 17 year old was. Her sister, who goes to school with him found out through the "vine". The boy is my best friend, who I was about ready to go and visit.....her brother. He is not a "bad" kid at all, very smart, responsible and usually a nerdy driver. I was absolutely speechless....it was a sick twist of fate. For some reason my attitude changed toward it all...I couldn't' be pissed so much anymore but yet felt like I should. My loyalties were really divided in a sense.

As the details unfolded, the 17 year old said someone came into his lane, he over corrected and then veered to the left, hit my friend, over corrected again and flipped the car. I guess there was a witness that came forward and backed his story, but then again, does it really matter? Here he was, 2 months into his license, celebrating a birthday, no drugs/drinks...again, he is that clean. And this is something he will live with forever, undoubtedly.

My friend has survived, but had a list of injuries....a broken collarbone, broken pelvis, compound fractures in her leg with with be a hindrance for the rest of her life, cracked bone in her neck, bruised kidneys, spleen and liver. Thank God she is alive, but what a long road ahead. I spoke to her before I left and the only thing she said she needed when asked, was a new ass since hers hurt so much. So here I sat leaving one friend to see another who were more connected then they would ever know, but yet did not know each other.

The boy's family has suffered too mind you. Aside from this accident, they have dealt with a layoff that has been his fathers job for well over 20 years (manufacturing is dying there), a sister/aunt who is dying of cancer and then this.....the cup runeth over. I am sure the insurance companies are going to suing for her, understandable. I feel for them as well. They are a good family as well, but nobody deserves that either.

So I am torn, feeling for both families......my heart breaks for both of them and I hate to be the link in between. I have not been able to let my brain stop thinking about it....that could have been Jacob driving down the road....that could of been me walking...anything is possible. Now I understand how the soaps on TV are created, except now I am living it......

Thursday, June 26, 2008

So we are a week in the mini van owning....its ok.....just ok. But really I could see us getting another one day, but don't tell anyone. But the souped up version...big pimin!

We just finished up a week with my inlaws....and I am beat. But Jacob really enjoyed their visit so that was good. The weather was nice too so again, good thing. We also survived Jacob's 4th Birthday party....totally fun. He had such a blast with his friends playing in the water. Now we are getting ready to head to my parents to drop off Jacob for a week while I head to El Paso to visit my friend Melanie....fun times! Plus I get to enjoy first class flight (thank you Southern States and all the travels you had me do), sans child....um, what will I really do with myself? I think I might actaully get bored....well except for the bloody mary's, gin and tonicas, and wine I will be consuming on the flight.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So....with the new title of "soccer mom" has come some responsibility....teach my child a little about soccer. And to think it began so innocently, little kick here and there. No big deal. Admiring my son's ability to kick and run with such fervor it left Mark and I wondering where he got his coordination.

Then Jacob wanted to do big kicks back and forth. So Jacob went to the other side of the yard and I had the ball to kick to him. Not being the most coordinated being, I kicked and what happened next still has me realing. The ball was going perfectly and should have landed at his feet...yes it caught air. But the projectory was a bit off and I watched the soccer ball cream Jacob in the face and knock him ass over tea kettle. I did it, I killed my kid. Well not really but as bad as I felt, it seemed no different. The ball knocked him litterally off his feet. With a few tears and me apologizing over and over we went back to playing. He was no worse for the wear but looking at the imprint on the side of his face made my stomach churn.

This morning there are no soccer imprints on his face and he looks no worse for the wear. I guess the title of "soccer mom" comes at a price....first the mini van and now this? What's next.... giving the boy scouts the flu?

Monday, June 16, 2008

And speaking of cars......car dealers!

Ok, so I didn't expect to rant so quickly after my first rant...but CAR DEALERS! It truly is the melting pot of society and well, glad we found the guy we did.

Seeing that Mark and I are both from sales backgrounds I was really disenchanted with their approaches. I did 99% of my searching from my home courtesy of the internet and thank God I did! It was amazing how many of them would tell you one thing and then go back on it. One guy told me his price was firm, which I know it wasn't, and then the next day, it dropped $1k online! Then we met Nicolas Cage of car dealers.....well it really could have passed for him! He sounded like him and looked like him it was quite eerie. Mark was in love I think. Other ones were trying to be so smooth they really didn't know what to think when I was not impressed. Others tried to impress us with their car knowledge....(ME) "Really, that strap on the hatch is to pull it down....I would have never guessed it". DUH! I had to be dumbed down, I can do it on my own!

But I have to say dealing with the Internet Sales guys was much easier. They didn't hunt you down as you walked on the lot, they did their business online, no commitment. We really liked our guy we ended up buying our car from The night before we were to come down to check out the cars, they ended up selling the one we wanted. He called and basically told me that he wanted to sell us one and would make amends for that. So he pulled another $1k and met another price I found for the same vehicle.....and he was easy to deal with. Easy is nice. So my advice....go the internet route...avoid personal interaction. It will only give you a headache in the end!

Joining the ranks of moms no longer in denial

So....I finally broke down.....and not quite in tears, yet. We purchased our first car that labels us now in parenthood with such a stigma every time I look in the garage I cringe. Yes, its not a hybrid (although the mpg would be great)....its a.....MINIVAN~!!!!!

The reason is simple, it was too damn practical. And well being dutch and cheap it was the best route to go. We were at the end of the lease on the Pacifica and really loved the car, but to buy it out of the lease was going to cost us more then what it was worth. They discontinued making the Pacifica so it plummeted the value....I could buy one $4k less then what I could buy mine from the lease...it was a "no duh" factor.

We started looking at the route of another discontinued vehicle which we liked, the Buick Rendevous....but it was going the same route that we were actually doing already. So, begrudgingly, I started secretly searching for a mini van.....with my eyes rolling. Well......the deed is done and the searching is over and my garage is filled with a silver blue Dodge Grand Caravan SXT.....with the automatic doors and tons of storage....Jacob loves it...me, well its a car and I'm not in love. I really loathe the color....too much blue, too much peace and love associated with it but I will not complain...all the time.

After driving home and checking the mpg, it made sense. We were on windy roads most of the times intervened with lots of hills....and it avg. 25 mpg. Unheard of with the Pacifica, and my pocket is thanking me. The Pacifica is now sitting in our driveway, empty, looking flashy with its Inferno Red and 19inch rims (yes, that would have cost a mortgage payment or more to replace them next year)....empty. I guess all things go in cycles so I will digress and accept my new title.

Yes, I am still grappling with it but Mark seems fine with it, of course he won't be driving it much, just me, the soccer mom.