Friday, September 26, 2008

...and before I layout?

So if anyone can "demonstrate" or lead in in the right direction on where to find a place to get a "cool" background.....please help! I get bored easy and this background is about to tax my last nerve!

My Child is back!!!

Ok, so he really never went anywhere but the moodiness has 100% passed and what a relief that was! He continues to amaze me on his ability to cope with things and express his feelings. Maybe we all should learn something about that!

And BTW....I wish my hair could be that blonde, naturally. Oh wait, it was, until I had him!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Organic and the tangled web they weave

So some of you know I do have a pretty strong farm background and I don't care what you buy as long as you are educated. As you know I have a huge issue with half truths in the media and used by companies to get you to buy your product. That is why I am not a big fan of buying organic unless you are growing it yourself....simply put. Read the following and you will understand why I have felt this way for years.....

New Paper Questions Organic Superiority
Posted: September 23, 2008 at 4:21 pmBy News Editor
Joseph D. Rosen, Ph.D., emeritus professor of Food Toxicology at Rutgers University and a scientific advisor to the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) has released a new paper that he claims has debunked attempts by organic agriculture to prove that organically grown crops are nutritionally superior to conventional ones. His research can be found here.Dr. Rosen analyzed a pro-organic report by Charles Benbrook and colleagues at the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Center and found the data had been selectively chosen and presented to “prove” the desired point. Dr. Rosen’s report, Claims of Organic Food’s Nutritional Superiority: A Critical Review, was published today by ACSH.
In the original pro-organic paper, Benbrook and colleagues had stated that organic produce is 25% “more nutritious” than that produced by conventional agricultural practices. But when Dr. Rosen actually recalculated some of their data, correcting several inaccuracies, he concluded that the conventional products were actually 2% more nutritious than the organic varieties:
The Benbrook paper had claimed that organically grown vegetables had much more quercetrin (a precursor of the antioxidant quercetin) than conventional varieties. But the organic vegetables studied had been sprayed with an organic pesticide that greatly increases plants’ production of quercetrin — so of course they beat the conventional plants on that measure.
Dr. Rosen also points out that the organic proponents included data of dubious validity in their review. They used data from articles that were not peer-reviewed, and in one case included nutrient content from an analysis of whole kiwi fruits — both the inedible skin and the edible pulp, though this is not what the consumer would eat.
Dr. Rosen’s analysis demonstrates how organic proponents have, once again, used misleading and inappropriately-evaluated data to support their agenda. More details on Rosen’s own methods and conclusions may be found here.

My son, the music critic

Ok, so I let Jacob listen to everything I do, which is a huge variety of music.

His new favorite is "Jesus Walking" by Kanye West......I know, maybe not the best choice but interesting. He is a beat man...its all about the music not the lyrics (thankfully!). I guess it runs in our blood. I still remember my favorite song probably in kindergarten was "Centerfold" by the JGiles Band. Um, ya, I was 6....I had no idea what a centerfold was at that time, just liked the music! Trust me, if he doesn't like the song...he voices his opionion and so far we agree on everything. Does that reflect poorly on me.....a 33 year old and 4 year old have the same taste in music? At least its not the Wiggles or gag, Barney!

Friday, September 19, 2008

...and on to more postive things... the Little Man is doing quite well and amazes me every day with his maturity. Mark and both question where he received that from. I've never met a 4 year old that could put a 36 year old man in his place and teach him a lesson. It has been great. Although I could really deal better with less attitude but I keep telling myself its a phase.

We went to Harrisburg this week to see the All-American (it's a cow show for the non farm friends). Saw a lot of friends and Jacob got to hang out with Charlene (my brother's girlfriend) and walk a cow. He was on poop duty but never got to put it to practice which I am sure was a relief for him. Soccer didn't go so well last week, let's just say he didn't like the other team taking his ball. We will see how it goes this weekend....keep your fingers crossed. Pre-School is going well and the teachers said he is quite a perfectionist (staying in the lines, wanting to finish his work before moving on, everything has a place, etc).....again, Mark and I question if he was born from alien genetics. Oh well, that is just what makes him him I guess. One day I will figure out how to post pictures, or get time to....that would be the bigger factor!

Politics.....a rant am I the only one tired of seeing all the commercial's on TV regarding the election. I guess I don't believe anything that is on any of them...its just one slam against another. If they spent half of their money (as in both candidates) that they are spending on TV ads and did something to stimulate the economy instead of slamming the other, maybe we would be better off. I guess I am really tired of them telling what the other isn't or is doing and how its hurting us....I want facts on what they are going to do. Maybe then I would trust the whole politcal scheme. And what is with all the Palin bashing?! I am not saying I am for or against her but I haven't even heard a wisper about Biden.....why is that? It's all just annoying and I would like to believe that they are not targeting her because she is female but I know the media is biased to begin with but lets get some truths out there about both candidates!

I wouldn't say I am either conservative or democrat but lean more conservative but consider myself moderate. I have just found myself not wanting to put either an Obama or McCain sign in my yard....because neither one makes me really excited. Both scare me one way or another and well, since they are politicians, I really trust nothing they say. Show me what you have done with what you have handed to you and I will give you a grade then. I guess I need to see the debates to really make my mind up (although I think it is already) but that might be like pulling my nails out to sit and watch it. I guess it boils down to the fact that even though I will vote, and I do live in a "swing" state, it won't really matter....sigh....

Monday, September 8, 2008


I usually don't post about mindless TV.....but due to my allergies taking a real hit on me late last night I ended up watching the MTV VMA's. And I have to say I remember it being a big production when I was younger, key word younger, since I discovered last night it is 25 years old now. Sheesh. But this year seemed like it was one step away from a side show at a circus. No real big productions and it seemed more like a bad high school prom. None of the performers were all that memorable, some I didn't even know. Yes, I am getting old! I digress.....I might as well start wearing the mom jeans, drive a soccer mom car and get disgusted with new music......ok, well never, but eh, getting old sucks.

On the flip side of my little rant, Jacob is doing quite well. I guess quite well since he has only had 2 tantrums over the last week. What gives? I guess maybe the change of going to pre-school, napping later, who knows. But loosing his dinosaurs for a week might fix it. I had a fun weekend at the Gettysburg Wine, being used very loosely. If anyone has heard of that thing called a hurricane going through the east coast, yes I was there with the downpours, in grass that turned into a lake, standing on palates, slugging wine out and by the way holding on to our tent in hopes that it didn't blow away. Yesterday was better, and a bit busier, but my ass is beat! This weekend brings judging at the PA State 4-H show and then hopefully getting off on Sunday to see the family. I have either been gone or working every weekend since July...I need a reprieve!