Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Help American Farms

I usually don't ask much of my friends but this is a super quick way that you can help the American Farms with Campbells and the FFA. Here is their mission and a link (pass it on!)

We all rely on farms and farmers to nourish our families. Now it's our turn to give back to them.
As part of our corporate mission to nourish people's lives everywhere, every day, Campbell Soup Company is committed to supporting the farmers that have provided the wholesome ingredients for Campbell's® condensed soups for more than 110 years. Through a partnership with the National FFA Organization, which is dedicated to developing our next generation of leaders through agricultural education, Campbell has committed a quarter of a million dollars to help support the future of American farming.
Join us as we help good things grow:Our Food. Our Farms. Our Future.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


So sometimes as a stay at home mom you question a lot of why you chose that route and the sacrifices you may have made in the "real world" to do as such. Although at times I miss working a full time job I can honestly say I wouldn't change the way my life has worked out at all.

The other night, say 2am-ish, I kept hearing Jacob cough. I am a light sleeper to begin with, even with my sleepy pills, but I was in and out of a doze since he has a little cold. He tiptoed into our room and started rubbing my back and then asked so very nicely "Mommy, I didn't want to wake you but my cough is keeping me up....can you get me some water please?". When asked like that by a 4 year old how could I not!

After getting him some water, and also some cough medicine (I try not to give him too much but it was bothering him obviously) I tucked him back in and he said ..."wait Mommy....one more hug" then he said the 5 words that meant the most "thank you, I love you". That in itself meant the most to me and validated why I am doing what I do.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sad day

Most of you don't know this person but a very dear person to my heart whom I have known for the better part of almost 20 years has had a very hard and trying last few months. She and her husband were pregnant and found out fairly early on that the baby would not be born alive due to genetic abnormalities. They had decided to go full term and donate any viable organs to another child in need. Later on in the pregnancy they found out that wasn't even an option. Well Monday night she had her baby. And I am not sure of the details, how long he was with them or even the delivery method but the funeral for the family is Thursday.

I can't imagine going through what they are dealing with. We had a LOT of issues with our pregnancy with Jacob and there were points where they told us he would not be viable either. But his circumstance turned out different and he is healthy and fine today. I know deep down in my heart that is one of the biggest reasons why we haven't tried for a 2nd yet either. That emotional roller coaster we dealt with then has really had a profound effect on me and I didn't realize that until I heard about my friend. I guess I buried it down and didn't really deal with it all and now its on the surface scaring the crap out of me again since we have been "talking" about another kid in the near future. But I know if my friend can come out the other end of this ok, then I can to. Please keep her and her family in your prayers please!